

The project had as final objective to make available in Africa hospitals some 3d printing “mini-factory " and the related 3D models, so that they can produce onsite the prosthesis.

Why I decided to do this ?

According to WHO (World Health Organization) more than 20 million people need prosthesis, yet only the 2% of those receive the necessary help. Furthermore, up to the 80% of humanitarian helps’ budget is absorbed by expeditions costs in the intervention areas.

I helped ... 

... 15 students aged between 15 and 17 of the Crowd4Africa fundraising course at the Jesuits M. Massimo Institute in Rome to collect via a crowdfunding campaign to collect 70k€+ to provide two African hospitals located in Uganda and Congo with a system for producing prosthetics and spare parts by exploiting plastic waste (bottle taps, containers, etc.).

Other Project : Scuola di Droni + Fly Record

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